Barre w Leanne February 8, 2024

Aired -

Leanne Foley

Leanne Foley has been a group fitness instructor for 14 years. Leanne is trained in Barre, Boxing, TRX and Pilates.  Leanne has been at BarreCoast since the day they opened and is thrilled to be part of this grea...
  • long resistance band 
  • weights
  • magic circle 
  • mini loop 

Get ready for a full body workout in this hour long muscle conditioning class. We will work our muscles isometrically, finding a contraction and holding it throughout variations of moves. Think small movements, high reps; low impact but high tensity. 

Light weights, resistance bands, gliders, pilates ring and a handful of other props will intensify your burn. The class is different every time! 

Your arms, legs, buns, and core will thank you! 

All levels.