LIFT April - WED upper body am, full body pm, SUN: lower body w Dori April 28, 2024

Aired -

Dori Carpenter

Dori began teaching group fitness classes at Providence College in 2005 and has taught at various gyms and studios since then. She completed her barre certification at BarreCoast in 2014 and has expanded to teach...
LIFT focuses on foundational strength and functional movement. LIFT will focus on a tailored progressive overload plan that yields real results by allowing for small, intentional changes in volume, load, and intensity. 

Following a monthly format - alternating lower body then upper body.   When Wednesday month is lower, Sunday will be upper and vice versa.  One month of same format, scaling sets reps and weights each week. 

This consistency gives your muscles the opportunity to adapt and respond, which is key for achieving lasting results. 

With LIFT, familiarity doesn't mean stagnation—it means progress

Held in the BoxCoast studio.  

Bring yourself, a towel and a water.   All levels welcome!